Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hanging Tough!

I'm feeling sorta funny inside...can't quite pin it...head is spinning...a little nausea. I just saw that the New Kids on the Block are having a reunion. News to me, but apparently I've been in the dark. They're website is in full swing and they're going to be on my beloved Today show this Friday. So it's unavoidable that I will see it...
Love me some Al!

....Back to NKOTB.
{Sidebar: everything is an acronym now. Last night, Flossy and I were watching Locked Up Abroad on the National Geographic channel. Do you know what they call themselves now? Yup, "Nat Geo." Holy moly. Even the smarties are dumming it down for us.}
What I'm curious to see is the following they are going to have at this point. I was a teen when they first came out and yes their music was catchy and I thought they were cute. But I wonder who is to come out of the closet and admit their love for the NKOTB?

Update: Gross! Today show's Natalie just did the "New Kids Dance"

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